Inission AB (”Inission”), corporate identity number 556747-1890 (”we”, ”us” and ”our”), with postal address Lantvärnsgatan 4, 652 21 Karlstad, Sweden, is dedicated to the protection of your personal integrity. Our ambition is to always protect your personal data in the best way possible and to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. Through this privacy policy we wish to inform you of how we process your personal data.

Data controller

Inission is the data controller for the processing of all personal data. Inission is responsible for ensuring that all processing is carried out in accordance with applicable law. In cases where a business partner of Inission, for the purpose, has access to all or part of the personal data stored a Personal Data Processing Agreement is put in place between Inission and the business partner.

Which personal data do we collect?

E-mail addresses
Other work-related contact information
CV and applications in recruitment processes

For what purposes will we use the personal data?

The personal data will be used in order to fulfil our obligations with regards to the business relationship we have with you and/or your employer. Furthermore, to provide press releases, newsletters, conduct surveys and similar activities.

For how long will you store personal data?

Personal data may generally not be kept longer than is necessary for the purposes of the treatment. This means that on termination of the relationship or reason for processing the data should be deleted unless other legislation states otherwise. The data should be deleted no later than 5 years after completion of the business relationship.

Where is the personal data stored?

We strive to always store your personal data within the EU/EES. However, in certain situations the personal data may be handled outside the EU/EES for example by an IT-supplier or sub-contractor. We will always conduct reasonable legal, technical and organisational measures to ensure your information is handled with the same level of protection as in the EU/EES.

Who will handle my personal information?

Your personal data will be processed by Inission. Your personal data may be shared with any company within the Inission group of companies where reasonably necessary for the purposes. We may also disclose data to insurers and/or professional advisers in order for them to provide services to us to manage risks, obtaining professional advice, legal claims etc. Your personal data may also be shared with parties that process personal data on our behalf, i.e. data processors. Such data processors are, for example IT and system providers we use.


Inission’s websites and processes personal information which is provided to us or collected by us.

Inission’s websites use small text files, so called cookies, to easy your browsing experience on the web site. We use the following cookies:

Permanent cookies
Permanent cookies are small text files saved on your computer and deleted on defined dates. They are used for example to store settings the user applies during visits on the website.

Session cookies
Session cookies are stored in the web browser and deleted when the web browser is closed. They can for example be used to keep the visitor logged in when the user navigates between pages. We use session cookies in order to enhance the user experience on our web sites.

Cookies for statistics
Analytical cookies make it possible for us to recognise and count the number of visitors on the website and track how they navigate around the web site. We use tools from Google Analytics to analyse the traffic. These tools in there turn uses cookies to make this possible.

What are my rights?

When the company collects and processes your personal information, you have certain rights. You are entitled to: Request an extract of the personal data the company treats and the manner in which they are processed. Request correction of any incorrect data. Request to get your information that does not require legal basis filing grounds deleted.

Contact us

If you wish to exercise your rights in accordance with policy or otherwise wish to contact us regarding our handling of your personal data, you can contact us by e-mail